BlogVideo analytics to save lives in the oil industry


Risk assessments, procedures, and employee trainings are very strongly regulated in the oil and gas industry.

Despite that, it is still considered one of the most dangerous places to work due to the dynamic nature of petroleum sites and hazardous chemicals products. At the top, accounting for four out of every ten workplace fatalities is transportation-related accidents.


There are many transportation-related risks, but at this stage of the technology implementation, we tackled the specific issue of people falling into the oil tanks.

The petroleum company identified that they experience, on average, three fatalities per year of people slipping and falling.


Following the case assessment, few additional cameras have been installed to facilitate the best visibility of the logistics area of the company’s site. Since that particular area of the site did not need a generic security monitoring, the client has decided to use the analysis-only solution.

The scenario for alert has been created to send an alarm sound when a person is being detected in a high-risk situation.

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