In the security area, it isimportant to have the necessary tools to anticipate any type of risk.
Combining video protection andintelligent video analysis would allow to collect data while analyzing them inorder to extract only the essential elements according to the researches needed.
Thus, each piece of informationcollected would be the key to resolving a problem and implementing anappropriate solution.
This was the challenge set byMilestone, a leader of VMS, which set up an interface that links intelligentvideo analysis solutions to video protection cameras in order to allow video torelease its full potential with AI, and thus provide a complete use ofsecurity.
Nowadays, technologies a part our our everyday life, at home, at work, outside…
The wide range of existing technologies offers a multitude of possibilities in terms of applications such as security, mobility, safety...
As an example, Artificial Intelligence is use in several situations, mostly to monitor traffic and parking and reduce waste deposits within smart territories, help event organizers to manage the flow of visitors and ensure personal safety, secure manufacturing sites, perform inventory control and automated operations, and much more.
All this makes it easier to solve various problems by implementing appropriate and economical solutions to improve the daily life and safety of individuals.
The alliance of AI technology integrated with video protection offers various advantages to the user. First of all, it saves time. Indeed, the automation of the analysis will allow the user to optimize his working time spent observing the flows in order to find one or more elements.
In addition, intelligent analysis allows the automatic detection of any form of anomaly that might have escaped the human eye, or that would never have been suspected. This offers the possibility to optimize the security or the mobility of a territory for example with an adapted and fast decision making.
Enfin, l’anticipation offerte par la solution permet de réduire, voire éviter les pertes qu’elles soient humaines ou bien matérielles, ce qui constitue une économie parfois colossale pour certaines entreprises et collectivités.